The LCB is happy to welcome a 14th team. This is Eric Durand’s team : “Virulence Nano-Macromolecular Machinosome” (VN2M). The team aims to Identify, to Understand, to Block and to Hijack bacterial nanomachines that challenge human health.
Eric Durand is molecular microbiologist, using different approaches including structural biology to study the intimacy of bacterial virulence factors and their implication in human health. He has been working for 20 years in the field of bacterial secretion systems. He loves to decipher their molecular architecture, how all the pieces are put together to make these beautiful nanomachines work efficiently.
The ultimate goal of his team is to transform the molecular knowledge derived from their research to find ways to block these virulence factors by developing “grains of sand” to block the nanomachine engine. Theses molecules or peptides are promising therapeutic options to fight bacterial infections in the context of antibiotic resistance.
If you want to get to know this new team, follow this link.