Teachers Researchers & monitors

François Alberto (MCF)
- He belongs to the HSE department (IUT AMU). The objective of this Bachelor diploma is to form technicians in risk prevention in the areas of hygiene, safety and the environment.
- The diplomas are in charge to organize and ensure security in companies, to ensure the training of personnel in the field of security and to carry out all preventive actions against occupational risks.
- As a teacher, he is in charge of teaching the Biological Risk Assessment that can be divided in 3 different parts: cellular biology, general microbiology and biological risk analysis and prevention.

Laurent Aussel (PR)
- Biochemistry in L1 & L2 and Microbiology in M1 & M2.
- Head of the M1 Microbiology at AMU.
- In charge of the M1 lectures “Molecular and Cellular Adaptation of Bacteria” and the M2 MIF lectures “Write in Science”.
- In charge of the workshop “Pluridisciplinary Grant Writing” (PhD program Plinius Cursus).

Aurélia Battesti (MCF)
Teaching units :
- Molecular biology, L1 Pasteur.
- Molecular genetics, L2 Life Science. I am responsible for this teaching units in-person on the Saint Charles campus but also for distance learning courses.
- Virology, L3 Cell biology.
- Virology, M1 STA2E.
- Molecular and cellular adaptation of bacteria, M1 MIF.
Pedagogical teams :
- Microbiology
- Molecular Biology and Genetics

Pascale de Philip (MCF)
- Practical bacteriology in year 3 of Engineer School Polytech Marseille.
- Experimental microbiology, introduction to microbial biotechnology and molecular microbiology (L3).
- Metabolic engineering, Bioprocess, and Microbial quality control in industry in Master degree (M1 and M2 IBM).
- Head of the M2 IBM (Microbial Engineering and Biotechnology) at AMU.
- In charge of a workshop in white biotechnology and industrial microbiology – student mentoring on a project (M2 IBM).
- In charge of practical works in basic microbiology (L3) and Microbial control quality in Master degree (M2 IBM).

Maryline Foglino (MCF)
Teaching :
- Bacterial genetics, molecular biology and molecular microbiology in Bachelor and Master.
Responsibilities :
- Head of the teaching group Genetic and Molecular Biology

Amel Latifi (PR)
- Bacterial genetics, molecular biology and molecular microbiology in Bachelor and Master.
- Head of the Master Microbiology at AMU.
- Head of the Master Microbiology at Whut (Wuhan, China).
- Head of the CIVIS Hub AMU-Sapienza-Tubingen.

Dorothée murat (MCF)
- She has been teaching in Aix-Marseille University since 2012.
- She is involved in courses in the Life Science Licence in Aix-Montperrin and Luminy sites, and she is also teaching in Microbiology Master courses.
- She is invested in courses related to gene and genome handling (Molecular Biology, Genomics, Synthetic Biology) and microbiology.
- She is in charge of a 2nd year course in Aix-Montperrin which allows selected students to do a one-week internship in a Microbiology research lab.

Sandrine pagès (MCF)
- Bacterial genetic, Eukaryotic microbiology (fungi), Biotechnology and Microbiology.
She belongs to the microbiology pedagogic team and molecular biology team in Bachelor and Master: courses, tutorials and practical courses. She is involved in the teaching program of microbiology in China (Wuhan : L1 prokaryotic genetic).
She also teaches in engineering school: Polytech biological engineering network in Marseille. This branch trains high-level scientific and technical engineers in the field of biotechnology.
- In charge of the research initiation for Master of microbiology students (M1).
- In charge of the research internships for the fourth years engineer students.

stéphanie perret (mcf)
She belongs to the biological engineering department of Polytech
Teaching :
- Microbiology, carbohydrate metabolism (3rd year)
- Bacterial genetics (practicals), metabolic engineering and synthetic biology (4th year)
- Biochemistry, protein/sugar interaction (practicals) (5th year)
- In charge of the “Applied bibliographic project” (4th year)
Responsibilities :
- Head of the 4th year of the biological engineering department of Polytech.

Sybille Tachon (MCF)
She belongs to the microbiology pedagogic team, at all levels of formation (Bachelor, Master of Microbiology, PhD). In particular, she is in charge of :
- Lectures about bacterial metabolism (M1).
- Study sessions concerning molecular microbiology (L3) and introduction to microbiology (L2).
- Workshops to mentor students on their project in white biotechnology and industrial microbiology (M2 IBM).
- Teaching lab about prokaryotic genetics as well as experimental microbiology and biotechnologies (L3).
- She is also one of the representant of the PhD program Plinius Cursus for the LCB.

Emmanuel Talla (mcf)
Teaching :
- Bioinformatics and Genomics in Bachelor and Master at Aix Marseille University, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi (USTH, Vietnam) and WUT(Wuhan University of Technology)-AMU (Wuhan, China).

Anne Walburger (mcf)
- She teaches in the Bachelor of Sciences in Biology, in scientific basics (2nd year, practicals in biochemistry) and in specialized field (biochemistry in 3rd year, structure-function relationships) and in the Master’s degree program in microbiology (synthetic biology, metabolism and microbial diversity, practicals).
- She uses innovating pedagogy (teachback, problem solving) to develop amongst students critical thinking, collaborative skills and innovation.
- She belongs to the biochemistry and microbiology sub-teaching groups and she participates each month to the concile of biology department as an elected member.

Chantal Tardif (PR)
- Molecular microbiology and applied microbiology in the Life Sciences Bachelor (2nd year) and in the Master of Microbiology (1st and 2nd years).
- Genetic engineering in the engineer school Polytech Marseille.