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Team's presentation

Our team studies type 4 filaments (T4F), a superfamily of prokaryotic nanomachines with two unique and fascinating features. T4F are ubiquitous in prokaryotes as they are found in all known species of Bacteria and Archaea. T4F display an amazing functional versatility as they mediate secretion of protein effectors, adhesion to surfaces, motility, DNA uptake etc. Yet, all T4F are filamentous polymers of type 4 pilins, assembled and operated by a membrane-bound machinery that has been conserved during evolution.

The two main objectives of our research are to understand how T4F are assembled and how they mediate such widely different functions. We tackle our research objectives in bacteria using an unconventional multi-pronged strategy. We make advantage of the exceptionally broad evolutionary diversity of bacterial T4F by studying in parallel three different species – the soil bacterium Myxococcus xanthus, the commensal of the human mouth Streptococcus sanguinis, and the human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis causing life-threatening infections – that express different types of T4F with unrelated functions. We study these using an integrated approach combining live imaging, phylogenetics, functional genomics, molecular genetics, biophysics, structural biology and structural modelling.

Our overarching aim – stemming from the fact that T4F play a central role in virulence in numerous bacterial pathogens – is to generate new knowledge exploitable for the design of next-generation antibiotics inhibiting the assembly and/or functioning of T4F.

Team's news

Team projects


Structure/function analysis of T4F components: role in filament assembly or T4F-mediated functions


Identifying the complete repertoires of T4F genes in various bacterial models

Our primary research objectives are to progress towards a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of filament assembly and of different T4F-mediated functions. The two distinctive features of our experimental approach are (1) its multi-disciplinarity, allowing us to bridge the scales from bacterial cells/communities down to atomic-resolution structures of T4F components, and (2) the use of several bacterial models, one which is often better suited to answer a particular research question. For the past 20 years – an effort still ongoing – we have been tackling many aspects of T4F biology and have made significant contributions to the field. The following selected examples do not represent an exhaustive list.

T4F assembly

  1. We have shown that only a fraction of T4F components required for filament biogenesis in complex systems such as N. meningitidis T4aP – which stands for type 4a pili – are required for filament assembly.
  2. We have confirmed this by reconstituting a smaller machinery composed only of those components, which is capable of assembling T4aP in a non-piliated heterologous host.
  3. By studying new T4F models – notably the Com pilus widespread in monoderms – we found that only four “core” proteins universally conserved in T4F – several type 4 pilins, a prepilin peptidase, an extension ATPase and a so-called platform protein are sufficient for filament assembly. We have recently been able to produce a model of a complete T4F machinery, which serves as a blueprint for ongoing studies.


T4F-mediated functions

  1. We have shed light on the role of T4F in DNA uptake during natural transformation by identifying the first type 4 pilin with intrinsic DNA-binding ability, i.e., the ComP minor pilin in N. meningitidis T4aP. We showed that ComP binds DNA in a novel way, with a specificity for a highly repeated motif in the meningococcal genome. This illuminated the unusual propensity of Neisseria species to preferentially take up their own DNA.
  2. We have shown how T4aP mediate adhesion of S. sanguinis to human cells. By determining the structures of all the subunits of this pilus (major and minor) and of the filament itself – a first in the T4F field – we found that S. sanguinis T4aP are capped by a complex of minor pilins mediating adhesion either to host proteins or glycans. Two of these minor pilins have extra functional modules, “grafted” onto pilins and directly binding the above receptors. We named these “modular pilins” and showed that they are widespread in bacteria, with an astonishing variety of architectures.
  3. Using M. xanthus as a model, we have shown that twitching motility – a widespread type of motility powered exclusively by T4aP – is modulated by a complex at the tip of the filaments. This complex consists of four minor pilins, capped by the large non-pilin protein PilY1. The presence of three PilY1 paralogs in M. xanthus genome – exhibiting a modular architecture with conserved C-termini and highly variable N-termini – suggests that this species can accessorise the tip of its T4P to allow twitching motility in changing environmental conditions by binding to different substrates.


Many of the above projects are currently being further developed to gain additional insight in T4F biology. Additional projects are also under way to address important unanswered research questions in the field.

Identifying experimentally the complete repertoires of T4F genes in species of interest is the first step towards a better, and eventually holistic, understanding of T4F biology.

We have done this in N. meningitidis by developing what is arguably the rarest and most valuable toolbox for directly determining gene function on genome-scale, i.e., an archived collection of defined mutants with one mutant in every non-essential gene. We named this collection NeMeSys, which stands for Neisseria meningitidis systematic functional analysis. NeMeSys consists of individual mutants in 1,584 non-essential protein-coding genes, which also allowed us to identify 391 essential genes associated with only four basic functions. We have used NeMeSys for phenotypic profiling of the meningococcal genome, shedding light on the functions of multiple genes, and most notably identifying all the genes playing a role in T4aP biology. T4aP – standing for type 4a pili – are the subtype of T4F expressed by N. meningitidis and the most widely distributed T4F in Bacteria. Fifteen of the pil genes we identified, which are scattered around the meningococcal genome, are conserved in diderm bacterial species expressing T4aP, including in other well-studied models such as M. xanthus or P. aeruginosa.


Although T4F are ubiquitous in Bacteria, all the previous bacterial models in which these nanomachines have been extensively studied are from the same major phylum of diderm bacteria, Proteobacteria. For example, N. meningitidis, M. xanthus, and P. aeruginosa are β-, δ-, and ɣ-proteobacteria, respectively. We therefore developed a novel bacterial model to study T4F, as phylogenetically distant as possible from the above species. We selected S. sanguinis that belongs to Firmicutes, a major phylum of monoderm bacteria. We found that S. sanguinis expresses two different T4F with distinct biological functions – T4aP mediating adhesion and twitching motility, and Com pili mediating DNA uptake during natural transformation – and we identified the complete repertoires of genes involved in their assembly/function. This revealed that T4aP machineries are conserved in monoderm species as well, but with fewer components because the components associated with the outer membrane in diderms are absent. We also showed that Com pili represent a minimalistic T4F machinery with the fewest components.

As hypothesized, comparison of different T4F in phylogenetically distant species led to the important finding that only four “core” proteins – several type 4 pilins, a prepilin peptidase an extension ATPase and a so-called platform protein – are found in every T4F system, no matter how simple or complex. It is thus likely that these four components constitute the minimal machinery necessary to assemble T4F, which is supported by our demonstration that the Com pilus is a T4F consisting only of core proteins capable of assembling a pilus dedicated to DNA uptake in naturally competent monoderms.

The Team

Vladimir Pelicic

Group leader / Research director (DR-INSERM)

Emilia Mauriello

Research director (DR-CNRS)

Laëtitia Pieulle

Researcher (CR-CNRS)

Odile Valette

Technician (TCE-CNRS)

Clément Vanderstraeten

PhD student (PhD-AMU)

Jérémy Mom

PhD student (PhD-CNRS)

Mathilde Vallette

Trainee (Master 2)

Scientific publications