Techno – Tutorial videos are back ! Introduction to Microscopy by Léon Espinosa.
Here is the brand new tutorial video from IAM team, that is focussed on the Microscopes owned by the lab. This first video is dedicated
A major idea led to the creation of a scientific services group dedicated to Instrumentation and data Analysis in Microbiology : To gather a team of people having in common a “technological” approach to research, that is to say having a real passion for exploration and creation or adaptation of instrumental and analytical tools for specific needs in microbiology. The IAM team is the evolution of the laboratory’s microscopy and image analysis facility, with the aim of extending and generalizing to other instruments and technologies working methods and forms of collaboration that have yet been. To date, the core activities of the team members are namely automation, acquisition and analysis that apply to all team members according to their specific profiles and skills. The team operates in two complementary modes: assistance, training and support for certain devices under our responsibility, and long-term scientific collaborations with other teams for innovative instrumentation and analysis solutions. The collaborations are carried by one of the members according to the required expertise and the concerned field:
– Microscopy and image analysis by Léon Espinosa (team leader)
– Automation and screening by Jean-Raphaël Fantino
– Cytometry and biochemical methods by Gaël Brasseur
– Data analysis, computing and programming by Swapnesh Panigrahi
– IT, Microelectronics and 3D printing by Philippe Notareschi
Here is the brand new tutorial video from IAM team, that is focussed on the Microscopes owned by the lab. This first video is dedicated
November 2021, LCB released MiSiC software, the first tool capable of automatically analyzing images of bacterial biofilms that can be found in our mouths, in
Professor (PR-AMU)
Researcher (CR-CNRS)
Research engineer (IR-CNRS)
Assistant engineer (AI-CNRS)
Researcher (CDD-CNRS)