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Science – Chitozen : The 1st functionalized microscope coverslip to image live bacterial cells & study their growth and behavior

LCB, in collaboration with idylle have developed Chitozen : The 1st functionalized microscope coverslip to image live bacterial cells & study their growth and behavior !

Designed by Tâm Mignot, Olivier Theodoly, Amandine Desorme, Guillaume Sudre and Laurent David.

What is it for?

Use it if you want to image E. coli bacteria both still and alive under the microscope. Or if you want to perform long-term imaging of bacteria. Or if you want to change the growth condition (e.g. antibiotics, chemicals, inhibitors) during the experiment and directly observe, in real-time, the E. coli bacteria new comportment under the microscope.

Features :

  • Long lasting : A bench-stable surface coated with chitosan, the most efficient way to immobilize your E. coli bacteria on a microscope coverslip.
  • 6 independent channels : Either perform up to 6 experiments at the same time or use 1 channel one day, and the others later.
  • Full compatibility with most of your conditions of experiments.
  • Fast : Use it the same day it is prepared.

More informations and how to order :