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SCIENCE – The LCB welcomes its 14th team ! Welcome to Eric Durand and his team.

The LCB is happy to welcome a 14th team. This is Eric Durand’s team : “Virulence Nano-Macromolecular Machinosome” (VN2M). The team aims to Identify, to Understand, to Block and to Hijack bacterial nanomachines that challenge human health.Eric Durand is molecular microbiologist, using different approaches including structural biology to study the intimacy of bacterial virulence factors […]

Tournoi de foot

Félicitations à tout les participant(e)s pour ce match intense et de haut niveau. Score final :Étudiant : 15 – 11 : Permanent Progression considérable de l’équipe adverse dont la moyenne d’âge a considérablement diminué via le recrutement de deux très très jeunes talents..Cependant cela n’a pas été suffisamment, et les étudiants ont ENCORE pris le […]

ANNIVERSARY – 60th Anniversary Celebration

Fête de la Science This year was the occasion not only to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the laboratory but also the 10th participation in the Fête de la Science. The opportunity to welcome Schoolchildren and the general public for a day of workshops on various life science themes : DNA, Antibiotics, Bacteriophages, Bacteria. It […]

SCIENCE – Success for 21st edition of European Bioenergetics Conference

Axel Magalon and Barbara Schoepp-Cothenet (BIP), were co-chairs of the 21st edition of European Bioenergetics Conference, EBEC2022, which was held from August 20-25, 2022 in Aix-en-Provence, France. This major international conference, the largest in the field, was a resounding success with nearly 400 participants from 20 different countries and an amazing line-up of more than […]

ANNIVERSARY – Le LCB fête ses 60 ans le 17 Octobre 2022 !

Crée en 1962, le Laboratoire de Chimie Bactérienne fête ses 60 ans et propose une journée d’ateliers de découverte autour de la Microbiologie. Cette journée sera ensuite suivie d’une rétrospective et d’un cocktail pour célébrer cet anniversaire ! A vos agendas, une seule date à retenir, le Lundi 17 Octobre 2022 !   Inscription aux […]

COM – Portfolio du Laboratoire

As part of the HCERES evaluation, we have produced a presentation portfolio of the laboratory which you can now consult at the following address : LCB Portfolio Thanks to the contributions of the team leaders, Sarah Benaissa and Jean-Raphaël Fantino have chosen to make the consultation of this portfolio comparable to that of an e-magazine.

SCIENCE – Cell4Chem, a European research project to produce green chemicals from microbial communities.

Cell4Chem is a European research project. Tools and strategies are being developed to produce green chemicals (medium-chain carboxylates) from sustainable resources with the help of microbial communities. It aims to enhance the power of microbial communities in a sustainable, circular biobased economy. For this purpose, Cell4Chem will engineer bacterial communities to enable the use of […]