Lablife – The team in video
Here is a video presentation of the team, made by Gaël Vaurin
Science – Chitozen : The 1st functionalized microscope coverslip to image live bacterial cells & study their growth and behavior
LCB, in collaboration with idylle have developed Chitozen : The 1st functionalized microscope coverslip to image live bacterial cells & study their growth and behavior ! Designed by Tâm Mignot, Olivier Theodoly, Amandine Desorme, Guillaume Sudre and Laurent David. What is it for? Use it if you want to image E. coli bacteria both still […]
Techno – MiSiC, the first tool capable of automatically analyzing images of bacterial biofilms
November 2021, LCB released MiSiC software, the first tool capable of automatically analyzing images of bacterial biofilms that can be found in our mouths, in hospitals or in the soil. MiSiC is a tool that allows generating a segmentation mask from microscopic images of bacterial cells. MiSiC has the capacity to detect and segment bacterial […]
Let’s come back stronger together
Revivez en vidéo la journée évènement ci dessous : Relive the eventful day in the video below :